================================================================ Title : Street Brawl - Death Match Date : February 22, 2002 Filename : sbrawl_dm.bsp Author : David Brent *AKA*GenBowl Email Address : davidbb@mindless.com Home Page : http://classicaka.com/ Description : Map made from total scratch. This map consists of a small street with lights, gutters, neighboring windows, and 2 teams of gangstas who can do 1 vs 1 or more, class battles. There are limits to classes: soldier, medic, spy, demoman. All others aren't considered a mulching class, and therefore were taken out. This map is small but very effective and eye appealing. Be warned though, if you have to many people on here at once it can get cluttered since there is only 1 ring. Additional Credits : 1. Classic*AKA* (http://classicaka.com/) and all of it's staff, for keeping up the kick ass game servers for so long! 2. All of whom have helped in anyway during the making of this map, especially those who gave ideas. Mucho Gracias to: White Bishop for the pre-release testing to make sure I didn't screw something up. 3. Valve software for making this great game. ================================================================ * Play Information * --------------------------- Single Player : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * ------------------------ Base : This is an original map made from scratch. Ideas from many other DM maps. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.3 Known Issues : There are no known issues or bugs in this map. Total Compile Time : 1 minute Compile machine : PIII 700mhz 256MB RAM DS III S540 32MB QCSG Time : 1 second QBSP Time : 1 second QVIS Time (full) : 4 second QRAD Time (extra) : 58 seconds * Permissions * ----------------------- No selling this map for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored! Free distribution online is fine as long I get credited for the map. Please email me if you do share this map or any of the zip contents online. You MAY NOT alter or add on to this level AT ALL, find someone else to whore from. E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going! ================================================================