**** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod **** 03:22 3/26/2000 ================================================================ Title : Snipe Hunt Filename : snipehnt.bsp Author : VorTeX of Z Factor Productions Email Address : vortex@planetfortress.com URL : http:www.planetfortress.com/zfactor Description : TeamFortress Classic Sniper War map Number of Teams : 2 Recommended # of Players: 4-16 ================================================================ New Skybox : Yes New Textures : Yes Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 w/ Zoner's compiling tools Other utilities used : Wally, Photoshop, Bryce 3D, HLCC Build machine: Celeron 300A OC'd to 375, 128 MB RAM, running Win98 Build time: Oh god.. WAY too long.. But I had to start over a couple times Compile times HLCSG: 9.94 seconds HLBSP: 8.84 seconds HLVIS : 46.41 seconds HLRAD: 160.65 seconds (Funnily enough, it looks uglier if I do -extra.. so it didn't take all that long..) ================================================================ INSTALL INFORMATION: Unzip all files into your "/half-life/tfc" directory, winzip will handle the rest. ================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION: Like most Sniper War maps.. this one has the objective of sniping as many people as possible. But you also have to worry about the pole. Get your flag on the pole and then try to keep the other team from putting theirs up there. For every 20 seconds that your flag is up on the pole, your team gets a point. Also, the player who succeeds in placing the flag on the pole gets 3 points. ================================================================ OTHER INFORMATION: Textures - I took some of the textures that were already in the valve wad but didn't have their counterparts in red or blue and changed them in photoshop. Skybox - I made this using Bryce 3D.. one hell of a nice program. You'll notice that the sun in the sky pretty much matches the light on the ground :) ================================================================ BUGS: In order to nullify the ability to get over onto the other team's deck, I had to put in some clips brushes.. you might run into them if you jump certain ways off of the pole. ================================================================ THANKS TO: Lord Bishop - For all his help in the areas of motivation (read: nagging) and keeping Z Factor alive while I was out of comission for several months there.. He's the man! ADSquirrel - For setting up the playtest and getting people to test it. And for offering suggestions... and for joining Z Factor :) Bob - For letting us playtest on his server. Playtesters - A big thanks to the 3 people I just named plus Mike Arps, Rick Arps, Rick Carder, S3aWolf, T-DOC, Ace, LT and Pup for helping me playtest the map. ================================================================ >>>COPYRIGHT INFORMATION<<< "Snipe Hunt" is copyright 2000 Z Factor Productions. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any other way without my permission. ================================================================