*** Overview Title : Sniper Zone Included Files : sniperzone.bsp (map for TFC) octolab.txt (map info displayed at startup) octolab_info.txt (this file) Author : Robert "aXon" Stephens aka [MST]TomServo Author Email : axon@thefortress.org Home page : Pixel Map Reviews: http://pixel.thefortress.org/ Description : A sniper practice range for TFC Map Version : Release 1 Release Date : January 2000 Previous Maps : Octolab (for HLDM and OpForDM) http://www.fileplanet.com/index.asp?section=203&file=34918&download=1 Shameful Plea : Wanna hire me? Oh pleeeeeeease, I'd love to map for a living. :] (oh please oh please...) *** Usage Instructions To use this map, unzip all the files into sierra\half-life\tfc\maps You're good to go! *** Info about the Map Like some other maps out there, this is a sniper practice map, where two teams try to use long-range sniper attacks to decimate each other. I wanted to implement teamscores, but I can't get it to work without serious modifications to the map. So you'll just have to do the math yourself. :] The difference between this map and other sniper maps is that I believe there are more sniping spots in this map than all the other sniper maps combined. There are 3 floors per base, each floor having at least 3 windows, some 4. Then there's an outdoor area that adds even more spots. Plus this map has quite a bit more ambience than other maps. Hope you have fun with the map. *** Beta testing Info_beta testing at Info_design: http://info.gamedesign.net/Beta/index.htm Thanx to everyone who showed up at the tests. *** Thanks to Valve Software, for making the best game ever Autolycus at the HLERC for all the wonderful editing information. http://halflife.gamedesign.net/ Navyfighter for the TFC editing info at Info_design: http://info.gamedesign.net/ Everyone at the TFC editing forum: http://forums.gamedesign.net/forums/wwwthreads.pl?action=list&Board=tfc Zoner for his greatly improved HL Compile Tools The latest version can be downloaded at the ERC: http://halflife.gamedesign.net/ theAntiELVIS for the Half-Life Level Compilation Controller, also available at the ERC. Anyone taking the time to review this map. Anyone playing this map, or using it in their server's mapcycle. *** Stats How Many Players: The game would be very slow with 2 players, but fairly cramped with 32. I'd say 4-16 is good. New Textures : No New Sounds : No *** Construction Base : None Editor used : Worldcraft 2.1 Build Time : 1 week for initial build, about 2 days for first debugging, 1 day for second debugging, and 1 more day for the final release Compile Machine : Home Built P2-450 w/256 megs ram Compile time : About 8 minutes *** Copyright and Permissions Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS! If you don't cooperate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM! This BSP may be distributed by any means. However, I must be notified, and if it is being distributed by a magazine or other publication and/or web site that has to be bought and/or subscribed to, then I must be sent a copy of the magazine or allowed to see the web site for free.