C A Q U I T A " Your Choice for a Quaility Clan " /````\ /````\ |```\ / /\ \ / /\ \ | \ / / \ \ / / \ \ | |\ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ A | | | | / / \ \/ / \ \ | |/ | / / \ / \ \ | / / / ```` \ \ | / / / \ \ | / ``` ``` ``` C H I C K E N -=Map Information=- Map Name: Sniper Core Map Type: Sniper War Recommended Number of Players: 4-18 Installation Info: Put the bsp file and txt files where they belong. The midi file has nothing to do with the map. -=Bullsh*t Statements=- Sniper Core is copyright (c) 2001 You will not and may not use this level as a base to build other levels for any other game. I reserve the right to own anyone in a sniper war. -=MaD Chicken Theme Song=- The MaD Chicken Theme Song is copyright (c) 2001 My goal is to spread a trend where auther have their theme song included with their maps. Pretty dumb goal, huh? Hope you liked the song! Email MaD Chicken at: I_Like_abraxas@hotmail.com