Title: Sniper Suburb - Snipers Only
Date: August 6, 2003
Filename: snprsuburb.bsp
Author: BowL
Email Address: davidbb@mindless.com

Description: A simple yet complex suburban section of street equipped with two houses facing each other, and plenty of windows for snipers to see through. Since this map is sniper vs sniper, the only selectable class available is 'Sniper'. Street crossings are punished by death, and all grenade types have been disabled. Sniper Suburb looks good, plays good, and is a must have for any sniper leagues, or general public sniper only servers. Good for up to 5v5 sniper wars.

Modification: Team Fortress Classic (TFC)

Base: None
Editors Used: WorldCraft 3.3
Known Issues: None

Compile Machine: PIII 500mhz 256MB RAM ATI Radeon 64MB
Total Compile Time: 7 minutes

No selling this map for money! I know you want to whore my map, but I just don't like my maps whored! Free distribution online is fine as long I get credited for the map.

You MAY NOT alter or add on to this level AT ALL, find someone else to whore from.

E-mail me your thoughts on my level. Whats good, whats bad etc. I love feedback, it keeps me going!

Contact Bowl - BowL's Maps