Air Strike
Version 2

**** This map designed for the TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod ****
May 5, 1999
Title                   : Air Strike
Version			: 2
Filename                :, strike2.txt, strike2 info.txt)
Author                  : Jeremy "War|ocK" Raymond
Email Address           :
Website			:
Description             : TeamFortress Classic CTF map with extra goodies =)

Number of Teams		: 2
Recommended # of Players: 8-32

New Textures		: n/a (using all Half-Life and TFC 
New Sounds		: n/a  textures, sounds, models, etc)
New Models		: n/a
Editor used		: Worldcraft 2.1


While in a Radium playtest (
We found a few bugs... so I decided to update to version 2.
I've fixed the bugs, and added a few more goodies and made the gameplay
a bit better. Looks about the same... only a few more things added.
You can find out for yourself =)



This map was compiled on a Intel Pentium II 350mHz with 64mb of SDRAM

CSG	: 41 sec
BSP	: 4 min
VIS	: 6 min
RAD	: 35 min


Extract all files in the zip into your /Half-life/tfc/maps/ directory



This is a pretty straight forward Capture the Flag map.  Accually, Capture the Key. =)

Just get the key from the enemies base on the other side of the canyon and take it
back to you confirmation center near your base...
The capture point (confirmation center) is NOT IN YOUR BASE.
It is on your side of the canyon, where the canyon splits in front of your base...
take a right, left heads towards the enemy base.
Cap it... press the nuke button... and watch the perrrty Air Strike.
WARNING! - Ya might wanna get a radiation suit, or get underground, tho. =P



Air Strike is copyright 1999 Jeremy Raymond.
Team Fortress Mapping -

You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH

Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.  

This file(s) may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.  
You are NOT authorized to put this file(s) on any CD or distribute it in any
way without my permission.
