================================================================================ * TFC MAP - SUCCUBUS LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Succubus FILENAME : Succubus.zip AUTHOR : [WTF?]Razor (Matt Ricker) DATE : 02.11.00 TYPE : TFC Capture The Flag EMAIL ADDRESS : fpwnwohall@aol.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://www.angelfire.com/games/razorsworld http://www.mapfinger.com/members/Razor/ .zip CONTENTS : Succubus.BSP, Succubus.txt, Succubus.info.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suc*cu*bus (noun), plural -bi [Middle English, from Medieval Latin, alteration of Latin succuba paramour, from succubare to lie under, from sub- + cubare to lie, recline] First appeared 14th Century : a demon assuming female form to have sex with men in their sleep -- compare INCUBUS! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMFORTRESS CLASSIC : 2 Teams 16 Player Respawn Points per Team SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 8 to 32 More is better! NEW TEXTURES : No NEW SOUNDS : No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map from scratch PREFABS USED : None EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcraft 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- None completed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: Place the .BSP and .TXT files in halflife/tfc/maps/ E-Mail me any comments good or bad, fpwnwohall@aol.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * THANKS TO.... * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My internet family at the DOE and in clan [WTF?] Thanks! Oh and my REAL family. All my friend I neglected while mapping. Sorry. Individuals I'd like to give many praise to are: Da man [WTF?]Evilchild, [WTF?]Mr-Gibs, [WTF?]Huenberry, [WTF?]Snowdog THANKS A LOT, [WTF?]Dr-Bones, [WTF?]Un_ethical, [WTF?]Gorified, [WTF?]Deraj, [WTF?]Defragmentor, [WTF?] Alnya for keeping the DOE going, [WTF?]MoOg for Mutalation, [WTF?]Lurker for Lurkers Lair, [WTF?]Evile Dick for GREAT textures, fellow Mainer's and class mates Gremlin, Jazix, and Pinkeye-*ZQX*- ayuh you guys rule. Little Maine humor. :P I'd like to thank Incubus for making great music to me to listen to while making this. 3DMR SP map site, the HLERC, RADIUM, Sierra Studios for making great games like Half-Life, Homeworld, and Op-For possible, and Valve Software for making this AMAZING game we call Half-Life. ID software for DOOM and the Quake Engine. Bungie for Marathon. Without you mapping wouldn't be possible for me. Anyone I forgot insert name here _________! ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this LEVEL on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. Half-Life (C) 1998-99 Sierra On-line and Valve L.L.C. All rights reserved. [END OF DATA]=========================================================[.txt|Gen]