Instalation: extract the zip file to [default] c:/sierra/halflife/tfc/maps v2 fixes: *A 3rd ammo pack is add. *Removed the spawnpoints in the flagroom, and also some crates. *Placed a func_nobuild in the flag room, so sentry's can only be build at the higest ramps to reduce porced up defence at the flagroom. ================================================================================ * LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Suppy Station V2 FILENAME : SupplyV2.bsp AUTHOR : Bluestrike McQueen DATE : 30.oct.1999 v2: 26.nov.1999 GAME : Team Fortress Classic (Capture The Flag) EMAIL ADDRESS : HOMEPAGE URL : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Play as the Blue or Red team, steal the enemy flag and bring it to youre capture point [standard CTF] After dropping/lose the falg it will remain there for 40 seconds. Capture a flag means 10 points for youre team and 10 frags for the capturer. I did not add signs because the layout of the maps isn't that difficult and the r_speeds are a bit high on some locations already. TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC : 2 Teams blue vs red. SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : mininum 4 players, max: 18-20, recommended: 14-18 NEW TEXTURES : none NEW SOUNDS : none CD TRACK # : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : A piece of paper with the blueprints. MAP VERSION : 1 PREFABS USED : none EDITOR(S) USED : Wordcraft 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Q2 beaver to compile. KNOWN BUGS : none, Like most of my maps high r_speeds but its not this bad since the higest is just a bit over 600 At the bridge a face of the rock is gone and you can see a bit of the tunnel, dunno how that happens but it only happens if you stand on a sertain spot, I just found it by accident. COMPILE MACHINE : P2 400MHz 256 MB RAM Win98 compile time : + 4 hours time spend on building : +- 48 hours [spread over 2 weeks :)] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + my own rate on a 10 scale: DFbase 6 DFhunt 7 HZgame 6 58TH N/A, this is a training map Bhill 8 soon: max_sec [maximum security prison] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract the contents of the zip file to C:sierra/halflife/tfc/maps/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAlve for their awesome game All other map makers and tutorial makers. Thanks to all the tutorial makers out there. ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. You can do everything you like as long as this unchanged txt file wil be includded!