1) There are two ways into the prison - the second is resealable 2) A key is the only way to open the escape door from inside the Bunker 3) The key for the escape door returns after 15 seconds 4) Only the British can pick up the Key 5) The super suit lasts for 1 minute, and respawns after 10 6) The air chamber can be filled with air, but the water drained has to go somewhere... 7) The water pipes can be flooded 8) Sometimes the turret sound (or any sound) can get "locked" on, if this happens, go to the console & type stopsound, and then startsound. This sould cure the problem. (A similar effect is often experienced on rock2 - cured in the same way) 9) The Russians can have only 1 engineer, who can not build in either the main room, nor the Yellow & Blacked striped bit (Red & Blue Lighting) 10)Bond can not, at any time, go undercover. Because if he did, the game would think that he was dead, and award the Russians points they have not earned. 11)The turrets don't shoot the Russians 12)There's a nice switch in the main room, the British should use it to their advantage NOTE TO SERVER ADMINS: setting "cr_engineer 1" makes the game slightly more even. Scoring: Bond Escapes: 10pts Q Escapes: 20pts Bond Dies: 1pt Q Dies: 2pts