================================================================ Title : The Cave V.1.1 Date : 04/10/99 Time : 1:52 AM Filename : thecave1.bsp Author : Rubin Abdi "]Haquer>" Email Address : haquers@yahoo.com : http://www.tf2.com/ig Description : Enter the enemy camp and make your way to where their Flag resides in the Main Tent. Grab it and bring it back to your Camp. Take it to the Computer in your Main Tent to Capture it. Needs TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Team Fortress Classic : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Funk : Yes Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : New Level from scratch, My first map. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 2.0 (unreg). Known Bugs : Snipers Nests' are lager then they look. Build Time : About 24 hours spread over 2 weeks. Comments : Can't be played without TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC by VALVe SoftWare at http://www.teamfortressclassic.com * Description * This is a basic map with the 2 forts idea, there are 2 camps (teams) in a cave devided by a larg wall with holes. Your team must Enter the enemy camp and make your way to where their Flag resides in the Main Tent. Grab it and bring it back to your Camp. Take it to the Computer in your Main Tent to Capture it. There are 3 tents in each camp, the 2 out side ones are for supplys and and player spawn, the middle (main) tent contains the flag, and the capture computer. I may in a later version make the computer do some thing, bad smelling cave gas for the other team? Note that this is my first map, no not my first TFC map, this is my first map. Please don't feel offened, sick or suicidel on acount of my work. I hope you Have Fun with my map and look for other stuff at my site: http://www.tf2.com/ig * Install * To install this map extract thecave1.bsp file into your Half-Life\TFC\Maps\ folder, NOT Half-Life\valve\Maps\ folder!!! Then find a server thats runing this map and join. * Server * If you would like to run this map on your server (THANKS!) extract the files thecave1.bsp and thecave1.txt into your Half-Life\TFC\Maps folder, then run your server and type map thecave1 in your console. * Thanks * I would like to give thanks to God, me, my mom, dad, all the people that are runing this map on there server, Dyermaker, Mr. Flibble, TesTeeCuL, bum, the TFS/VALVe team, YOU for playing the map, and any one who I missed. THANK YOU! * Copyright / Permissions * This file may be distributed ONLY over the INTERNET and / or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this level on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. ]Haquer>