================================================================================ * HALF-LIFE LEVEL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE : Theft FILENAME : theft.zip AUTHOR : aXon DATE : 05-06-2000 TYPE : TFC EMAIL ADDRESS : axon@planetfortress.com HOMEPAGE URL : http://www.pixelmaps.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * LEVEL DESCRIPTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Objectives: This is a 3-team map. Blue and Red must take each other's flags to Yellow's base, similar to "Yellow Guards". Unlike that map, though, Yellow can also capture. If they take either enemy flag to the OTHER enemy team's capture point (blue's flag to red's cap point, and vice versa) they can score. The thinking behind this is to reduce Yellow's tendancy to attack either enemy team's base, since they'd have to carry the flag a LONG way. Yellow also cannot play Scout or Spy, to encourage them even more to be mainly defense. If all that sounded confusing, don't worry. In-game, when you pick up a flag a text message appears telling you where to take whatever flag you got. If you still take the flag to the wrong capture point, you will be told where to take it again. Of course the map can also be played as a straight up CTF if no one is on the Yellow team. In all other cases however, TEAMS SHOULD BE PERFECTLY EVEN. What I mean is that Yellow should have the same number of players that Blue and Red have. The map's scoring is balanced for this case only. Scoring: - Blue Team scores 10 points every time they capture the Red flag. - Red Team uses the same scoring as Blue. - Yellow Team scores 5 points per capture, since they (in theory) have twice the potential to cap. Important Note: apparently the Linux distribution of HLDS is missing some sounds that are included in the Windows DS software. Those sounds have been included, as they are used in this map. You only need to unzip them if you are a server admin running Linux. Not unzipping these files results in a crash-happy map. If you are running Linux, unzip these files into "Half-Life\tfc\sound\items": damage3.wav health1.wav itembk2.wav protect3.wav r_item1.wav -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAMFORTRESS CLASSIC : 3 Teams 8 Player Respawn Points per Team SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 9-24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONSTRUCTION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP BASE : New Map PREFABS USED : None EDITOR(S) USED : Worldcrash 2.1 OTHER UTILITIES USED : Zoner's Compile Tools v1.62 The Half-Life Compilation Controller Both tools are available at the HLERC: http://halflife.gamedesign.net/ KNOWN BUGS : None COMPILE MACHINE : Home Built P2-450 w/256 megs, GeForce 256 QCSG TIME : 177 seconds (2.95 minutes) QBSP2 TIME : 111 seconds (1.85 minutes) VIS TIME : ~1200 seconds (~20 minutes) QRAD TIME : 7517 seconds (125.28 minutes, ~2 hours) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Absolute Zero Sniper Zone Octolab (for HLDM and OpForDM) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS / ADDITIONAL INFORMATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Func_nobuild brushes are used liberally. You absolutely cannot build in the respawns, and the water tunnels are also off limits for SGs. I'm not anti-engy; in fact, I usually play engy. It's just that the tunnels are fairly small, and because grenades won't fly far in water it'd be damn near impossible to destroy an SG in there. - You can't build on anything you can see through. This means grates mainly. This is a problem with TFC, not my mapping. You can't build on func_walls. - All railings and ladders can be shot through, but not gratings. - This is a BIG map. Even though dropped flags stay on the ground longer than most maps (90 seconds), your offensive runs should try to be successful the first time, as it takes a while for slower classes to make it across the map. This is done to encourage teamplay rather than one scout slowly prying the flag out of the defense's hands by getting it a foot farther out of the base each run. - There are packs in each of the "sniper towers", in each flag room, and on Yellow's battlements that supply some health, ammo, and armor to ANY team. They also supply one of each type of grenade. - You spawn fully stocked. Yup, even for grenades. The packs in the respawns are instant resupply, meaning you only need one to get restocked. - Yellow team members should not try to carry 2 flags at once. Normally I'd make it so that you just couldn't pick up the flag at all if you were already carrying one, but a "feature" of TFC's code won't let me do this AND let 2 teams pick up a flag. So instead picking up a second flag returns the first one you had to its base. - When playing on the yellow team, remember that the first line of the "flaginfo" display refers to the Blue flag, and the second line to the Red flag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREDITS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Playtesters : For showing up to the playtests. Info_beta : For putting the map up for testing. http://info.gamedesign.net/Beta/index.htm Info_design : http://info.gamedesign.net/ HLERC : http://www.valve-erc.com/ Flintman : For helping me improve on the lighting and planting the idea to remove some of the classes for Yellow. Zoner : For the much improved compile tools, and helping me out when I hit some compiler limits. theAntiElvis : For the Half-Life Compilation Controller Anyone I missed : Sorry I did. :) ================================================================================ * COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM. This LEVEL may be distributed in any means provided I give permission first, and any terms I present at that time are met. (e.g. you send me a copy of the magazine and/or CD) The included skybox may be distributed by any means, but is governed by the same terms as the level itself (see above paragraph). The improved materials.txt file may be distributed by any means without my permission. I am not responsible for any damage this level may incur upon anyone's computer. If you have a question, comment, or problem with this map, please contact me (axon@planetfortress.com). Theft and all accompanying materials, except for the included sound files, are Copyright © 2001 Robert Stephens. The included sound files are Copyright © Valve, LLC.