===================================================================== TFC MAP INFORMATION - ===================================================================== ------General Information-------------------------------------------- Title : Troy2 Filename : troy2.bsp Author : Joshua "Dictator" Heard Home page : http://www.docketingsolutions/dictator/troy2.htm E-mail : dictator@houston.rr.net Description : Invade and Defend Previous Maps : Kandahar ------Credits and Thanks--------------------------------------------- Thanks to .id guild for playtesting, including, but not limited to Nukem, Pet, Erad for .id backpack model, and the others. Thanks to Blazeer for the textures which make the map. ------Play Information----------------------------------------------- The Attackers must capture all FOUR command points in sequence to take the city of Troy. The Defenders must defend the command points in the city of Troy against the Attackers. When all the command points in the city of Troy are captured, the city is lost and a new round begins. The attackersbecome the defenders and the defenders must now attack the city. Scoring: Attackers - 5 points per command point, 10 for the final cap Defenders - 1 point every minute defending ------Map Information------------------------------------------------ New Textures : YES New Sounds : No New Skybox : YES New Models : yes ------Construction--------------------------------------------------- Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : Hammer 3.5 beta Compile Machine : p4 3 Ghz 1gb ram winxp Compile time : ~45 minutes ------Copyright-Permissions------------------------------------------ This map is freeware. Do with it as you please.