================================================================ PLAY INFORMATION ================================================================ Title : We Be Clubbin Filenames : webeclubbin_r.bsp, webeclubbin_r.txt, read-me.txt, united.wav, groovin.wav, breathe.wav, stronger.wav, homer1.mdl, skunkweed.mdl Game : Half-Life Type/Mod : Team Fortress Classic Author : [UWS]Weezel(AoE) TFC Levels by Author : This is my 1st real map I have 2 test maps called example & example2 Email Address : weezelden@hotmail.com Homepage : http://www.uws-hq.com Additional Credits To : Vehicle prefab came from Philipp Sackl e-mail: webmaster@chaosworx.de web: www.chaosworx.de And a couple custom textures came from http://wadfather.game-edit.com Other custom textures were made by myself an [UWS]Shadow. Much thanks to my fellow clanmates for their support an ideas. Homer1.mdl was created by Andy Dorizas e-mail: adorizas@inlandprod.com web: http://www.inlandprod.com Skunkweed.mdl was created by an unknown author. ================================================================ DESCRIPTION ================================================================ It's the Blue an Red team's night out. Drinkin, dancin, an fightin is the norm at this club. And if that's not enough then steal the priceless crystal from the safe an cap it in the parking lot. ================================================================ CONSTRUCTION ================================================================ Base : my original webeclubbin map (had to clear up lag problems) Editor(s) Used : WorldCraft 3.3 Compiler used : Q2beaver with Zoner's HL tools Build Time : 8 weeks (had to study up on different entities an their use) Compile Machine : 1Ghz Pentium III, 128 Mb RAM Compile Time : 30 min ================================================================ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ================================================================ Unzip into your Half-Life folder OR place webclubbin.bsp, webclubbin.txt, read-me.txt in your tfc\maps folder. Create a folder in your tfc\sound folder an name it webeclubbin then place united.wav, breath.wav, and groovin.wav in your tfc\sound\webeclubbin folder. Create another webeclubbin folder in your models directory an add the Homer1.mdl an skunkweed.mdl to it. ================================================================ COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ================================================================ Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.